Pyrography – Pyrographic Drawings
Welcome to my Pyrographic Art Page. I have had an interest in so many things over the years but just never had the time to branch out into new things due to working two jobs for many years. Well now I’m retired and all I have is time and I’m getting into so many things that I’m still staying busy all day.
The drawings below were all done with heat pens that had tips of different shapes and took from around 5 hours for the simple burnings (like the Carolina Wrens) – to 16 hours like the drawing of “Clint”. The farm scenes were fun to do as I liked the challenge of working so many elements into a single picture and they tool from 12-14 hours to complete.
The Deer picture is of a 10 point buck I killed a few years ago and if you have a trophy of your own or other picture you’d like to have done please contact me for an estimate of what it would cost to do.

Carolina Wren in Pine Tree #3
14″ x 7 1/2″
On pine

14″ x 7 1/2″
“Carolina Wren In Pine”
Burned into Pine with bark

“Singing Wren in Pine #2”
18 1/2 x 9 1/2″
Burned into Pine w/bark

1940 Dodge van with tree
12″ x 14 1/2″
On Maple

Farm Scene with Dog
11 3/4″ x 19″
On Cherry

1940 Dodge Panel truck with ’37 tractor
12 1/2″ x 20″

’40 Dodge with ’37 JD tractor
12″ x 23 1/4″

“10 Point Buck”
12″ X 18 1/2″
Burned into Maple

Pyrography Picture 11 1/2″ x 23 1/4″