Handmade Wooden Bread Bowls

Welcome To Doughbowlmaker.com 

 I Have NO BOWLS For Sale now on the “BOWLS” page – but I will have a few starting 1/1/2025 !

    I’m a Disabled Veteran with a bunch of health issues and am having to really cut back.

 Making the best “Food Safe” Handmade Wooden Bread Bowls available anywhere has always been my goal! 

  A “Handmade Wooden Bowl” may be called a “Dough Tray“, “Bread Bowl“, or “dough trough” – depending on what region of the country you’re in. But regardless of what it’s called – all are used for the mixing and rising of dough. I offer a wide variety in sizes and shapes and all were handmade by me alone here in Wentworth, NC.


 My Background  

   Since 1988 I’ve made around 2,400 bowls like you may remember your Grandmother or Great-Grandmother using. I’ve  performed my craft in front of millions of people – both in person and on TV. There’s also several YouTube Videos that I have links to at the bottom of this page and many others about me (search YouTube for “JP Madren”) with over half a million views. It’s been a humbling experience to have crossed paths with so many wonderful people along the way. Visitors from 40 states across the USA have visited my show building in Wentworth, NC or came to see me when I was part of the NC State Fair where I was a paid display artist for 10 years.

Large Burled Maple Bowl 6x5.7

Beautiful Bowls for over 34 YEARS 

Handmade Wooden Bowls Through the Ages 

  The Food Safe Handmade Wooden Bowls by JP Madren are known for Style, Elegance, and Old-World Charm. Handmade Wooden Bowls have been made for thousands of years. In fact, archaeologists in July of 2018 found a perfectly preserved bowl made over 2,000 years ago at the bottom of a well at Cairns, South Ronaldsay, Scotland. 

Shells, Animal bones or Metal … 

  Thru the ages wooden bowls have been made with various tools and methods depending on what was available at the time. The first Craftsmen used fire to char out the insides of a bowl in much the same way as they did canoes. These burnt areas would be removed with shells, animal bones and later – metal. The iron age gave us “adzes” which are still used today in one form or another. These went from iron to Damascus steel in the 3rd century and on to tool or spring steel in the 1900’s.

Pulling Time at the NC State Fair 

 As a “Paid Display Artist” for the NC State Fair (2007-2016), I gave the crowd a short history of wooden bowls and bowl making. Hopefully this helped them form an appreciation of the craft. Days started well before 7am with just a block of wood. I’d draw out the shape of that days bowl. Folks often came early in anticipation of learning each step of the process. Over the next 12-14 hours I would continue to chip away at it. Those who had an interest in my work would stand and watch or visit several times during the day to monitor my progress. From a simple block of wood to a usable bowl – it made some long days. I’d show them the complexities of working with varying grains – and what it takes physically to remove the 10-12,000 chips that come out of each bowl.

Many areas of Interests… 

   I like to entertain folks and offer content that may interest you – hopefully bringing a smile to your face. The “About Page” gives a brief history of how I got started making bowls. My “News Page” keeps you up to date on the “goings on” of the dough bowl maker. Other pages show my many interest concerning  the crafting of wood. As you scroll through the pictures listed on the “Bowls” page, you can click on the picture of any bowl that catches your eye and It will become a much larger picture that contains three views of the bowl. There will also be a write up that tells you what I was trying to bring out of the wood in that particular bowl, describing its attributes and giving you the dimensions and date the bowl was made. These write-ups are personalized most importantly as every bowl is different and unique in its own way.

 Dough Trays – Dough Bowls – Something “Very Special!”

  To some I guess they’re just a “Wooden Bowl“, but to others (myself included) they are something very special. I’ve invested well over 35 years learning and perfecting this craft to the best of my ability. The top, sides and bottom are all very symmetrical because I’m extremely picky when it comes to how the inside walls blend into the bottom and ends of the bowl.  

Pyrographic Art!

   The Pyrographic drawings page, shows another of my interests – burning pictures in wood with specialized heat pens. Whether it’s an old farm scene, something from nature, or a portrait of someone. My creative efforts keep me busy. The “Praying Hands” below was requested by a church wanting something special for their pastor’s retirement.

Thank you folks for your interest in my Handmade Wooden Bowls !!!



Years Experience

NC State Fair's

A Customer Comments Page is provided to show you how my customers feel about their bowls! (sample below)

Dear Mr. Madren,

UPS just delivered the bowl. It’s my Christmas present so I told my husband I wouldn’t open it when it got here, but I just couldn’t resist. It took my breath away! I could have gotten a “dough bowl” from anywhere but the fact that I was able to purchase a true bowl from someone who took such care in making it changes everything about it. Baking bread is something I adore doing, but knowing I have such a treasure to help the process will make it something I cherish even more.

  Thank you so much for your patience in allowing me to pay for it over time. In doing so you made a dream come true.

Thanks again,

Rebecca ****


Rebecca – I always help anyway I can. Was glad to do so. Letters like yours is what kept me making them for so long. 

Your letter made MY day!  Thank YOU!



My Video’s


JP Madren the “DoughBowlMaker”

 WRAL-TV Video

Handmade Wooden Dough Bowls since 1988